OBS Medical will be attending Arab Health in Dubai, UAE

Date Published: 2nd Jan 2014
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OBS will be attending Arab Health from the 27th – 30th January 2014, promoting its Visensia® SDK

Licensing opportunities

Arab Health is the largest healthcare exhibition and medical congress in the Middle East and provides OBS with the opportunity to liaise with the leading Medical Device Manufacturers and Middleware Companies and to promote its Visensia® SDK licensing opportunities, enabling these organisations to gain the competitive edge in this fast paced and aggressively fought market.

As technology improves and the continuous monitoring of patients vital signs become more ambulatory and ubiquitous throughout the hospital and home environments, Visensia® and its “data fusion” technology will enable Device or Middleware companies to effectively analyse huge amounts of continuous data and to prioritise patients according to their VSI (Visensia® Safety Index), thus improving patient safety through the advanced detection of patient deterioration.

To pre arrange a meeting to discuss Visensia® SDK “Licensing” opportunities, please contact Brett Nicolle to schedule an appropriate date and time with a member of the attending delegate team.

Email: brett.nicolle@obsmedical.com or telephone + 44 (0) 1235 432 077

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