Homecare and Long Term Conditions
Increasingly the right place to provide the right care at the right time with the right quality, cost, and access will be in a setting other than the hospital.
Tomorrow’s healthcare focus needs to be about providing proactive models of care based on early intervention and prevention in the community. Until recently this ideal was a vision of the distant future. Now it has become reality….
The use of hospital grade vital sign monitors and wearable devices are set to revolutionise Telehealth, by extending the monitoring of a patient’s physiological vital signs into the Community and the Home.
Remote Patient Monitoring shifts the focus of care delivery into the home, providing real-time access to dynamic patient content and feedback for community based multi-disciplinary healthcare teams.
In this new paradigm, patients take traditional biometric measurements, answer relevant questions based on clinical protocols, which then provides a holistic snapshot to their healthcare team and empowers patients to become an integral part of their own care program.
Home patient monitoring studies show remote patient monitoring improves a patient’s overall well-being and satisfaction in the care provided, together with a reduction of avoidable hospital admissions.
By transferring Visensia’s® proven acute care capabilities into the community and home, we are able to offer high levels of patient safety and care to these emerging “remote patient monitoring” care teams and their patients.
Intelligent Early Warning
Unlike traditional methods, Visensia uses an intelligent monitoring algorithm to analyse the continuous physiological vital sign data being received. This data is compared to a database of high risk patients and a predictive index between 0 and 5 is calculated in real time – The Visensia Safety Index (VSI).
Visensia is the first FDA cleared and CE marked index for multiple physiological parameter assessment with automated alert of its kind and has been designed to provide caregivers a simple, unambiguous call to action, helping to improve clinical outcomes and patient safety.