Objective decision support for the Emergency Medical Service Continuum
- First Responder
- Ambulance Crews
- Paramedics
- Accident & Emergency
- Control Room
- Home Monitoring
It is well documented that the emergency medical service sector is facing a number of unique challenges in the provision of their services:
OBS Medical are pleased to be working with some of the worlds most innovative Emergency Medical Services to try and help address some of these challenges with our product Visensia.
Visensia analyses and interprets the combined patterns of up to five vital signs collected from existing patient monitors, ambulatory devices or manually during routine observations to generate a single early-warning index; The Safety Index (VSI).
The VSI and contributing vital sign data are then displayed locally on a laptop (Tough book) or back at the control center. When Visensia – The Safety Index is used to monitor a patient, an alert is automatically generated whenever their vital signs are outside the boundaries of normality, identifying them as “High Risk” .
This enables point of care teams to make an objective decision to refer the patient to another care team or transport the patient to appropriate tertiary care center.
Visensia is the first FDA cleared and CE marked index for multiple physiological parameter assessment with automated alert of its kind and has been designed to provide caregivers a simple, unambiguous call to action, helping to improve clinical outcomes and patient safety.
Case Study
Ambulance Oost – Site Decision Support (First Responder)
Make informed decision whether or not there is a need to convey patient to hospital
Phase 1. Two first responder cars each equipped with:
- Corpuls Patient Monitor / Defibrillator
- Toughbook – laptop (running Visensia – The Safety Index)
If the patient is suspected of having a cardiac event – their vitals are continuously monitored using the Corpuls monitor, which feeds an existing backend system and now Visensia – The Safety Index via the Toughbook (laptop).
System Overview:
- Continuous vital sign data – HR, SpO2, RR and BP
- Analysed in real-time by Visensia
- Visensia adds a level of confidence that the patient’s vital signs are abnormal and that there is genuine cause for concern to convey patient to appropriate treatment center using Ambulance resource.
- If a patient is conveyed to hospital, the Corpuls Monitor, Laptop containing the vital sign trend data, waveforms and Visensia Index travels with the patient
The ambulances Corpuls Monitor and Laptop are then left with the paramedic for them to use if required at their next call.
Phase 2: Roll out Visensia to all 26x Ambulances and Response Cars
Visensia – Lifesaving Insight for Proactive Healthcare
112 Network – April Issue 2017 Featuring Ambulance Oost Pilot of Visensia