Overview of OBS Medical

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Our History

A spin-out from Oxford University, OBS Medical was initially incorporated as Oxford BioSignals Ltd in 2000 in order to develop a range of monitoring algorithms using data fusion technology across a variety of applications.

One of its initial applications was to monitor Rolls-Royce jet engines in real time to anticipate potential maintenance issues. After technology was sold to Rolls-Royce in 2009, the nascent medical applications became the sole focus of the Company, and the Company name was changed to OBS Medical, Ltd.

Our Mission

Our mission is to generate simple, unambiguous calls to action which can save lives and lower the cost of healthcare delivery.

While we do not deliver therapy, we believe that using the Artificial Intelligence of Visensia to provide medical professionals with patient risk stratification and alerts, enables the delivery of significant safety benefits to patients through-out their healthcare system journey. Our alerts can be used in emergency care, critical care, general wards and in out-of-hospital settings.

Commitment to Quality

OBS Medical is a predictive software company providing products and services for the hospital, community and consumer health care markets.

We develop, provide and support products that enable our customers, both patients and healthcare professionals, to manage and monitor health conditions more effectively through simplification, risk identification and prevention.

OBS Medical is 13485 certified and Visensia – The Safety Index is both FDA cleared and CE Marked with registrations in key global markets.

This is achieved through our commitment to Quality in all areas of our business and is supported with certificate approval from SGS.

Our latest certifications can be accessed via the following link:

SGS Certificates  (Search for OBS Medical – UK)

SGS ISO_13485 Logo
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